10 Signs Your Body Needs a Break From Exercise

Exercise, working out, and movement, are a blessing in this life. But, they can also bring a burden. Many people use fitness to move, feel good, stay healthy, and even lose weight.  Movement provides good feelings and endorphins, it helps us clear our minds  mentally, and it helps to strengthen our bodies to be the best vessel it can be. However, movement can also be taken too far, and it can cause physical problems. 

I too, had an unhealthy relationship with exercise. It was my drug- it was on the top of my goals list to get to a certain body fat percentage, and every workout was a MUST. What I found was that this took me out of sync with my body, and caused more harm than good. Here are a few things you may want to look out for.

10 signs your body needs a break from exercise:

  1. When your body is feeling drained  or empty of energy

  2. When you are so sore every movement hurts

  3. If you’re experiencing a loss of menstrual cycle or amenorrhea symptoms

  4. If you’re experiencing brain fog, loss of appetite, or loss of desire, and overall apathy

  5. If you’re working out only to burn calories

  6. If you’re working out with the only goal being weight loss

  7. If you feel like the workout is non-negotiable because you have to stick to the workout plan

  8. If you feel like you cannot function without getting a workout in

  9. If your body fat is dipping so low that it is causing weakness in your body

  10. If you find yourself extremely irritable

These are just a few signs that you may be over exercising, and your body is craving rest. It can be hard to dial it down, but know it is necessary for long term, true health. You can live in harmony with your body. It is possible to have a healthy relationship with exercise. You can reap all of the amazing benefits without having to be a slave to the gym. You deserve to feel healthy, energized, refreshed, strong, and in love with your body, girl.

*Disclaimer: This blog was not meant for medical device. If you think you may have HA, compulsive exercise disorder, or another medical diagnosis, please reach out to your health care professional or click here to schedule a FREE discovery call.