How to Listen to Your Body & Align With Your Cycle

One of the pillars of health we often don’t talk about as women is our menstrual cycle. Why? I literally don’t know. It’s an absolutely critical piece to our individual health, but it’s also the force that can bring life into this world. It seems like it should be talked about more, no?

Our cycle often gets a bad rap- it can be painful, annoying, and simply something we don’t want to deal with. But what if you could work with your cycle? What if in each phase of the cycle, you got new  super powers? The good news- this harmony and power is possible.

Much like intuitive eating, when we work with our body, instead of against it, our life seems to flow a lot better. The first place to start to get in harmony is to get a pulse on your own individual cycle. This can be done with tracking your cycle (which FYI is more than just knowing when your period starts). The key here is to find out when your fertile window opens because that is when your estrogen starts spiking. The best way to know this by tracking physical signs from the bodyy (full detail on what you’re looking for in this podcast with Megan Faller). You can also track using LH strips, or by taking your temperature. When your temperature spikes and stays high, that  is when you’re ovulating.


If  you’re on birth control, this tracking method does not necessarily  work, as there may be other hormones at play. If you want to track your cycle instead, going off birth control is an option (you must make this choice on your own!).

Tracking your cycle gives you insight on what your hormones are doing, and when. Do  you ever have days where it all feels like it’s too much? Days where you feel on top of the world? Days where  you feel like you’re working in the flow? This is because of your cycle- so by tracking it, you can hone into the powers of each phase.

The goal is to work in flow and ease in our life, with our bodies, and with our cycle. There is a lot more to  this topic, but we’re going to leave it off here for today. For more of our indepth conversation, I’d love for you to check out this episode we did about aligning with  your cycle with Megan Faller! Remember-  we can embrace our cycle and find beauty in it.