10 Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Body

Our body is the only thing that will be with us our entire life- think about that. When you do, it really puts into perspective how precious our bodies are. They are truly the one consistent thing we will live in through our lives on Earth. So how will you take care of it?

I know for me, when I realized this truth, it brought to light that I may not have always treated my body with the love and respect it truly deserves. I mean, this thing is a miracle! It breaths, moves, and functions for me every day. It is strong, resilient, and tough.  But far too often, I’ve had negative thoughts about my body, my shape, and my weight. I’ve put down my body, given up mentally on my body, and have been frustrated and ashamed of my body. I’ve made excuses for the way I look, I’ve starved my body of the nutrients it needs, and I definitely have pounded it to the ground to the point of injury. Does it honestly deserve all of this?

body peace

It’s time we really start to honor our body, ladies (and gents!). We know it's near impossible to snap your fingers and love your body, but it's time to start taking better care of the one place we will always live in. Regardless of your current opinion of how your body looks, it truly is the best gift you’ll probably ever be given… and it's time to start treating it that way.

So today we want to give you 10 quick and easy ways you can actually take care of yourself! Girl, this is just the reminder you need:

  1. Have FUN with the movement you take your body through. We say it time and time again, but don’t punish yourself! Move your body in a way that feels good. Our current favs: Kickboxing, Orange Theory, and Yoga

  2. When you notice you’re hungry- eat! Something so simple, but let’s get out of the habit of depriving yourself, and instead listen to your body and eat when you need to. Honor your hunger.

  3. Schedule yourself 7-8 hours of sleep. News flash- you need it.

  4. Carve out time to rest today. Seriously, even if you have to put it into your calendar- rest, even if it's for 10 minutes of unplugging, daydreaming, and just letting your body settle.

  5. Challenge yourself to honor your body when it's stressed out. Find a new way to explore stress relief like talking to a friend, going to therapy, or jamming out to music you love, instead of being harsh to your body.

  6. Drink more water, and less coffee. What? Did we just say that?! Listen, we loooooove our coffee too, but water is going to treat your body better. Drink an extra bottle today!

  7. Say NO to something that isn’t bringing you joy. Take a minute to evaluate right now- what is honestly stressing you out? What have you been avoiding? Say no, and clear it off your plate.

  8. Listen to something uplifting! Um, hi, @fitfriendshappyhour

  9. Meditate or journal. You will not only benefit your mental state, but your physical body will benefit from the stress relief.

  10.  Go for a walk in nature. Being outside will naturally calm your body, and walking will increase your endorphin flow through the body

These are just a few, simple ways to care for your body. They might seem basic and simple, but think about how often we don’t take these little actions. What if you incorporated even just two of these per day? Your body would definitely thank you!

For more, be sure to follow us on @fitfriendshappyhour for new episodes each week that will help you live your best life!