15 Things to Consider When You Want to Start a New Diet

Whether it’s a new year, an upcoming event, your wedding, or summer, it never fails that you may be tempted to hop onto the latest diet trends, plans, or programs. They promise a  quick fix, with long standing results… but do they really deliver? It can be extremely tempting when you have a major life event, or something you want to feel AWESOME for that you find yourself wanting to hop  on board the diet train. It’s normal to feel this way, but in these moments, we want you  to consider these few things:

  1. Your body is not meant for quick fixes. It craves sustainable living.

  2. A diet that requires you to cut something out, count exact calories, or eat specific foods at certain times, is not sustainable.

  3. Your worth is not determined by your weight, and no diet will ever increase your worth.

  4. How many diets have worked for you  before? And for how long?

  5. Your body knows what it needs, can you  trust it?

  6. What can you do to trust your body more?

  7. What goals can you focus on to live a healthier life overall, instead of focusing on a quick fix?  (spoiler: this will actually get you to your goal quicker than that diet will!)

  8. How would you feel if you were truly in harmony with your body?

  9. When you restrict foods, do you crave them more or less? 

  10. Would this diet put you in the right mental space to truly enjoy your life?

  11. Is there a way to accomplish your goal in a healthier, more sustainable way? 

  12. What affirmations can help you have the right mental state for living a healthier lifestyle?

  13. Does my body actually need more rest, so it can perform better?

  14. Beware of diets in disguise!

  15. Is this fight against my body really worth it?


This constant battle with our bodies, with our food, and with diet  culture in society feels  like this never ending hamster wheel- but the good news is, we CAN  hop off! After reading through these considerations, how do you feel? What emotions arose? We hate to drop a spoiler alert, but it’s important to remember that often times when we restrict, we want to rebel. It can leave us in a worse place than where we started. When we put ourselves into this box of a diet that promises “amazing results” we are consciously deciding to go against our bodies (whom btw ultimately know what is best for us and what we need). 

The next time you’re tempted to  dive nose deep into a diet, remember these considerations. There is always a healthier, more sustainable path. If you are feeling some type a way, a non-diet approach and listening to your body might help lead you to where you need to be. Remember, you’ve got this!

PS- if you do have a big event coming up, make sure you check out these 7 tips to help you prepare for it in a healthy way!