What is the Binge Restrict Cycle?

Have you ever heard of the binge restrict cycle or the diet cycle? Are you new to a non-diet approach, and worried it won’t work for you? Maybe you identify as a binge eater or emotional eater and are curious what impact it has on your health? If you’ve dieted or restricted for years, it’s possible you might feel ‘addicted’ to food or that you have no ‘self-control’. This blog post will give an overview of the binge restrict cycle, explain what it is, the problems it can cause, and how to stop the cycle for good.

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EP 232: Should I Set New Years Resolutions? How to Set Goals without being hyperfocused on weight loss / steering clear of diet culture traps in the new year

A question I have been getting a lot lately is, "I don't want to set another weight loss goal for the new year, but I want to feel better, what should I do?"That's why in today's episode I'm dishing out my best tips for setting goals for the new year WITHOUT being hyper-focused on weight loss.

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