What is intuitive eating? What are the 10 principles of intuitive eating? Does it work? Who is it for? Check out this beginner’s guide to this non-diet approach as well as the updated research from 2025.
Read MoreIn this episode of Fit Friends Happy Hour, host and Registered Dietitian, Katie Hake, answers all your questions about creatine. She answers questions like creatine monohydrate vs micronized creatine, loading phase, should you be taking creatine on rest days, and more.
Read MoreHave you ever heard of the binge restrict cycle or the diet cycle? Are you new to a non-diet approach, and worried it won’t work for you? Maybe you identify as a binge eater or emotional eater and are curious what impact it has on your health? If you’ve dieted or restricted for years, it’s possible you might feel ‘addicted’ to food or that you have no ‘self-control’. This blog post will give an overview of the binge restrict cycle, explain what it is, the problems it can cause, and how to stop the cycle for good.
Read MoreCarbs get a bad rap- but they certainly don’t deserve it. Carbohydrates are essential for mental and physical fuel.
Read MoreDiet culture is infused in our society- but it doesn’t need to be the norm! You can protect your intuitive eating practices and mental health by taking these four steps in social settings.
Read MoreUnderstanding and connecting to your hunger can be tricky after years of dieting and letting society shape our definition of health. But, it IS possible to get back in touch with your hunger cues and what your body truly needs.
Read MoreYour goals don’t have to lead you to a diet. Live a healthier, more fulfilling life by focusing on these 11 non diet goals.
Read MoreIf you’re reading this, there’s a high likelihood that at some point in your life you’ve believed that if you had enough will power, you could finally lose weight. Why do we think this?
Read MoreWhat’s the real reason you are participating in Lent? Catholic or not, check out these ideas for how to get the most out of your Lenten season while still making progress to find your FIERCE!
Read More5 Things to focus on other than weight loss to help you live your best life.
Read MoreWill intuitively eating help me lose weight? This always seems to be the question. Click here to dive into the answer!
Read MoreConsciously and subconsciously we have developed “rules” around food that may not be serving us. Here are the 5 food rules we think you should ditch in the new year, and 5 things to focus on instead!
Read MoreIntermittent Fasting is all the rage- but is it worth it? What are the things to consider before you start restricting your eating? There can be serious health consequences.
Read More5 things you need to know before you start using supplements.
Read More6 ways to find happiness in stressful times
Read MoreLearn how to implement intuitive eating through these five key principles.
Read MoreImagine a day where you wake up, at peace with yourself, and you feel calm, not stressed about what you’re going to eat and when. Learn more about what intuitive eating is, and how it can work for you.
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